WOW! Life keeps happening, spinning faster than my mini hoops!
BURNING MAN was an amazing experience. I learned a few tough lessons. Specifically about community and my desire to be involved in order to be include.
After the Burn, I headed out to Reno for a night and then to Lake Tahoe. It was so lovely to be by the water after a week on the Playa.
A rainy day in the cabin, and a lovely day on the lake.
Then it was off to Salt Lake City, Utah to perform at a weekend concert event called 'Audio Circus' I was up on stage performing with my good friends, Danielle Odette and Kanyon Walker and Grimm Zimmer.
We worked with Vibe Tribe and Vibe Squad! they were wonderful people with a great community following.
then it was off to VIVA LAS VEGAS! To visit my mommy at the MGM Grand Hotel. We were blessed and gifted 3 prime tickets to see Cirque Du Soeliel KA!!! It was beautiful , I felt truly amazed by the circus skills and the amazing stage work.
Back to LA for less than 14 hours, and a quick turn around back up north to OAKLAND for night. then UP UP UP TO OREGON!
I was able to see my Grandma and family in McMinnville, And i was in town just in time for two birthday!
Happy birthday to my Cousins, Tim and MEG!
I was then whisked away to PACIFIC FIRE FLOW FESTIVAL on the Oregon Coast. This was a fantastic event put on by a wonderful flow community. I took wonderful workshops on elbow hooping and mini hoop manipulation and I have also picked up double staffs! There was a variety show indoors, an out door fire show and a renegade show. All of which were grand showcase events for the talent that permeates this community. I was wowed and inspired.
I adore the circus flow arts fire community that I have found. It spans world wide. It is truly magic that we are all able to connect and maintain long lasting friendships and relationships based on flow. Letting them know all about the flow!
After the festival I was able to travel back to McMinnville area and see my family! I was able to attend 'Back to School' night with Sami and Michaela, they are in th 8th grade! I am so proud of how they are growing up into beautiful young women.
I was blessed to see my good 'ole oregon friends Marty and Deavon. Both wonderful men who i met while living here in the summer of 2009.
Marty is living in Portland now, and he took me there for the weekend! Although, once we arrived I ran away with the circus!
I went to the VAGABOND vaudville street show on thursday> lots of great fire performances, Jill and Jay peace love circus, Master Marvin ONG, Tyler Spades and Brian from down under!
I was able to hang out in Portland and spend alot of time spinning things and practicing flow.
I went to see Random Rab play in portland. It was a great venue, super awesome show and i really enjoyed seeing a snap shot of the Weird Portland Scene.
So all in all Life has been one great awesome wonderful amazing CIRCUS! I am so happy, filled with joy and gratitude and radiating light energy! I am finding balance in many ways. and learning that it is about rejoicing in those moments of balanced clarity and also rejoicing in those wobbly moments in between.
Elise Lorraine Edson
Everybody love Everyone