Thursday, November 8, 2012


The Synchroblissity Circus 
2012 Tour 
Starring the Hoop Gypsy Sisters
Carla Samson "Kali" "Fern"  
Elise Lorraine Edson "Lotus" "Harmony"

1. Lucidity Festival, Santa Barbara, CA 

Friday, April 13, 2012 at 8:00 AM - Monday, April 16, 2012 

We Traveled to Lucidity with the PEACE LOVE & LINEN Clothing Vendor Booth. 
We met three very special individuals, Who have since become our very dear friends and Gypsy Brothers. Chris (Koji) Jesse (Kojin) and Johnny Talkabout-Bonecrusher. <3 We all traveled to Big Sur after the festival.  

2. Ignight Fire Flow Conference : 
Joshua Tree Lake Campground
2601 Sunfair Road, Joshua Tree, Ca   92252
Friday, April 27 , April 29 at 5pm
IgNight is a 3 day Fire Flow Community Celebration in Southern California, designed to provide a fun, educational and community environment for spinners from all over the world. At least 7 classes going on simultaneously at all times of the day and a nightly spin jam with awesome DJ's. Flow enthusiasts of all skill levels are invited to attend this communal opportunity for growth and development as a fire artist. Hundreds of artists will gather to learn, teach, and advance together in the flow arts.

Elise worked Grounds Crew For this festival and took a billion workshops until her mind was blown. 
Also Met alot of amazing flow artists and immersed myself in the flow community.
We all took a trip to 6 flags and had a fire groove sleep over party! IT WAS GREAT! 

3.  Eclectic Roots - Art and Music Festival *FIRE PERFORMANCE! 
Saturday May 12, 2012
Irvine Lake, CA
4621 Santiago Canyon Road
SilveradoCalifornia 9267

The HOop Gypsy Sisters were invited and Featured as Fire Performers at this event. WE had a magical time during the late night party, spinning fire to the drum circle. We were blessed to have the opportunity to Perform a Union Ceremony for a couple who was anticipating their wedding! WE choreographed an impromptu wedding by fire ceremony . Beauty, Love and Light Manifestation. 

4. Symbiosis Gathering - Pyramid Lake, NV. May 17-21st. Solar Eclipse Festival. 

5. Lightning in a Bottle 

Hired As Fire and Flow Performer. FIRE BAN caused NO FIRE

7. Beaver Island Music Festival 
Carla and Elise were the ONLY professional Flow artists in attendance! We hosted hoop workshops and featured fire performances! It was a beautiful experience. 


9. Tahoe Flow Festival 

10. Audio Circus, Salt Lake City, UTAH!  
V2 event 
LED Mini HOops/Square Hoops 

I was ON Stage Performing with GunSlinger at Sunset set, Opiuo, DJ ICEY, ROBOTIC PIRATE MONKEY  and On the VIBE TRIBE Stage  

11. Pacific Fire Gathering,  Oregon Coast. 
Fire and Flow Arts Conference 
Introducing Synchroblissity Shape Circus
Sacred Geometry Prop Mandala Vortex Portal 

12. Random Rab & Govinda- Portland

13. Portland Juggling Festival 
Synchroblissity: Synchro Shape Circus Workshop
Sacred Geometry Prop Mandala Project 

14. Rise Big Sur 

15. Lunacy
Featuring Synchro Shapes 
Sacred Geometry Mandala Vortex Portal Project

16. Mission Control: Halloween PARTY SPOOKEASY 
Elise Was Featured as a Fire performer and 
Shape Dancer 

17. Cosmic Carnival - 
Synchroblissity Shape Circus 
Sacred Geometry Shape Mandala 
Elise Lorraine Fire Hoop

2012 Festival Tour : Gratitude

The Synchroblissity Circus 
2012 Tour 
Starring the Hoop Gypsy Sisters
Carla Samson "Kali" "Fern"  
Elise Lorraine Edson "Lotus" "Harmony"


2012 has been a magical Synchroblisstiy Adventure! 
We have been so blessed in our travels.  In our travels we have experienced the beautiful bountiful Love of source spirit and seen the magical and physical manifestations of LoveLight. Along the path we have been led to wonderful people; brilliant bright shining light Love beings, beautiful, intelligent, enlightened, generous, compassionate, and Unique Individuals.  

* <3 * GRATITUDE * <3 * 
In our daily meditation practice we focus on Gratitude. 
Giving Thanks. Being Thoughtfully Thankful. 
I would Like to Formally Thank the individuals that build the community that has provided love, acceptance, food, shelter, Family. These are the things that create a Home, and thanks to the friends, family and community we have always felt the security and comfort of HOME LOVE. 

The Universal Flow Community 
*Golden Colorado - Danielle Odette, Kanyon Walker, Lizzard. 
*L.A Fire and Flow Community 
(Fire Groove, Trick Concepts Burn Academy, CulverCity Burn Club) 
*BAY AREA: San Francisco/Oakland Fire Flow Community, 
*The Vulcan! *  
*Portland Oregon Fire Flow Community- Pacific Fire Gathering!

The LA Burning Man Community 
Playa Surfers! 
Cruz Coalition: Art Cruz 
Mack & Jarred 
The Honey Badgers 
The Dirty Beetles 

*Miguel The Apple Man: Farmers Markets Fruit Stand.  

The Wonderful World Of OZ Cast and Crew 
*Trevor & Molly & Woody Tuttle 
*Jourdan Biziou 
Nick Curdy 
Felix Jorge 

There are so many more individuals to be Thanked, But I wanted to post a few specific individuals who have truly made a huge difference in my experience on the west coast.